How I Write

August 17, 2024

I carry a Moto G Stylus in my pocket most everywhere I go. I also have 2 older laptops, an Acer Chromebook c720 converted to linux and upgraded with a bigger drive and new battery, plus an Asus Chromebook C101P which I'd converted to linux but converted back to chromeos. I have a Nexus 7 upgraded to android 7+ via lineage os, a Fire 10hd and a Fire 7hd, both with Google Play. Finally I bought one of the first Remarkable 2s and I'm trying to build a habit of carrying a notebook of some kind.

I have and do write on all of these devices but I lean very hard toward the smaller devices, simply because they fit in my pocket and can go everywhere I go. This morning after trying to write on my phone with gboard, I dug through my electronics box and found both of my pocket keyboards.

I'm using a Jelly Comb keyboard to write this in the car while my wife is shopping for clothes. I'm definitely not a fast typer on this keyboard, or any keyboard actually, but my usual errors are fewer and easier to fix.

To be honest, I've written far more on the Remarkable but it's to big to carry around unless I'm carrying a backpack.

So, all in all, I think I'll be writing more on my phone now.

I'd be interested to know what you think, plus your experiences writing.